As part of the nationwide campaign “Annadata Devo Bhava -Kisan Bhaghidari Prathmikta Hamari”,Coconut Development Board is organizing a nationwide programme on ‘Scientific coconut cultivation, processing & value addition” from April 26 to May 1 for the benefit of coconut farmers. 

Union Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Narendra Singh Tomar will be inaugurating the programme on virtual platform. 

As part of the program, a Centre of Excellence in Coconut and a Farmer Training-cum-Administrative Buildings are being inaugurated in Dhali, Tiruppur district, Tamil Nadu and Hichachara, South Tripura, respectively. 

The Centre of Excellence in Coconut at Dhali is aimed at demonstration of improved coconut cultivation technologies which will act as a major source/ supplier of coconut planting material across the country besides technology transfer. The establishment of the Training Centre for Coconut in Tripura is a landmark in the development of coconut cultivation, particularly in the north eastern States. 

Around 80 seminars on various aspects of coconut cultivation, processing and value addition are also being organized as part of the campaign.

A three-day virtual trade fair on coconut products will also be arranged to showcase the multifarious utility of coconut -ranging from food, sweeteners and beverages to non food products. It provides an opportunity for potential buyers and traders to undertake a sojourn through the diverse coconut products.