The All India Sugar Trade Association’s (AISTA) Crop Committee has estimated sugar production this season (October 2021-September 2022) at 31.9 million tonnes (mt) compared with 31 mt last season. The Committee has estimated sugar exports lower this season at 6 mt against 7.9 mt last season.

AISTA said in a statement that its committee had come to the conclusion of a higher production after considering the estimated sugarcane production, the production, recovery rate, likely diversion for sucrose production of ethanol from B-heavy molasses.

According to the AISTA Committee, sugar production will go up in Maharashtra, while decreasing in Uttar Pradesh.

The Committee estimated that consumption in 2021-22 is estimated to increase by 2 per cent from 26.5 mt to 27 mt..

This is the first estimate by AISTA of sugar production and it will come out with its second estimate towards February-end or March.

Praful Vithalani, AISTA Chairman, said actual exports this season would depend on the level of domestic sugar prices.