A week after announcing its turnover of Rs 19,000 crore,

Amul has increased milk prices across the board, with effect from Monday.

Its marketer, Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF), said the price rise was due to increased input costs.

While Amul Diamond prices have gone up by Re 1 a litre that of Gold, Shakti and T-Special varieties have all gone up by Rs 2 each.

Amul SnT 350 ml is the only pack whose price has not been increased, although its 200 ml pack is now costlier by 50 paise.

Amul cow milk is also now costlier by Rs 2, according to a GCMMF official.

While prices of Amul Taaza have increased by Rs 2, its 200 ml pack will cost 50 paise more.