Active participation of blenders has generated a good demand for the overall CTC dust sales in Coonoor Tea auctions.

Traders said that strong demand from blenders has resulted in a reasonably good sales percentage in sale 51. The market was more or less steady with slightly showing some easiness. The subdued demand was because of the holiday season, and is expected to recover from mid-January, which is a normal practice throughout the years.

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Global Tea Auctioneers said the quantity offered in dust sale was 3,39,865 kg and 95 per cent of the offered quantity was sold. The high-priced and better liquoring sorts were easier by ₹3 to 4. The medium and plainer sorts had good demand and sold dearer by ₹2 to 3.

In dust orthodox, primary orthodox dust grades were steady to dearer by ₹3 to 4 and more at times in line with quality.

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However, in the leaf category, the primary whole leaf grades in orthodox were lower by ₹2 to 3 more at times in line with quality. The brokens were also barely steady to ease by ₹2 to 3. Secondaries and fannings had less demand and were lower by ₹3 to 4.

Generally, a fair demand was noticed in the overall CTC leaf sales. Out of 8,34,005 kg, only 88 per cent was sold. The high-priced and better liquoring sorts in was dearer by ₹1 to 2. The better medium sorts witnessed fair demand and sold fully firm to dearer by ₹1 to 2. The mediums and plainer sorts sold fully firm to dearer by ₹2 to 3.