The country’s oldest exchange, BSE Limited, is set to launch cotton derivatives contract on Monday (February 18), with a lot size of 25 bales making it the second product in the exchange’s agri-commodity derivatives segment.

BSE, in association with the apex cotton trade body Cotton Association of India (CAI), is also offering a waiver in the transaction charges for the initial year.

More participation

This is aimed at attracting participation from the stakeholders such as cotton traders, hedgers, weavers, ginners and farmers. “On Monday, we are launching the March Contract for cotton with a lot size of 25 bales (each of 170 kg) and delivery unit will be 100 bales,” said Sameer Patil, Head Business Development, BSE.

The launch will be attended by sector leaders such as Atul Ganatra, President, CAI ; Pasha Patel, Chairman of Maharashtra CACP, among other stakeholders.

Last September, BSE and CAI had inked a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for developing a “vibrant and user-friendly cotton exchange to cater to the hedging needs of the entire cotton value chain in India.”