A field day on Foundation Seed Production of Co 6 Green gram variety was held at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) last week.

Seed growers, farmers, scientists and researchers numbering around 100 participated in the event.

Acting Vice-Chancellor and Registrar of TNAU P. Subbian interacted with farmers and highlighted the advantages of growing Co 6 green gram. Pulses production in India was far less than the domestic demand, estimated at 18-19 million tonnes annually, he said.

‘India produces only 13-15 mt. To meet the supply shortfall, around 3-4 mt are being imported every year.

Domestic demand

It is estimated that by 2030, domestic demand could surge to 32 mt.

To meet this future demand, pulses production should increase at least by over 4 per cent, which means the current average productivity of 637 kg/hectare should double to over 1,365 kg/ha.

TNAU, under the National Agricultural Development Project is involved in enhancing both quality seeds as also production of pulses.

“It is proposed to produce around 100 tonnes of pulses seeds so as to meet the seed requirement of the State under this programme,” Subbian said.

He distributed inputs such as breeder seeds, fertilisers and pesticides to the contractual farmers.

Less popular

Special Officer at the TNAU Seed Centre M. Bhaskaran said the Co 6 variety, despite its multiple advantages was less popular among pulses growers.

The aim of the programme was therefore to promote and popularise the variety.

TNAU is implementing the seed production programme by roping in farmers on contract basis to produce foundation seeds in seed supply chain and distribute certified seeds to the farmers.


In additional to technical support, the contractual farmers were provided with inputs totalling Rs 10,000 (including cultivation expenses of Rs 2,500) a hectare.

As per the agreement, the harvested seeds would be procured by the farm varsity at Rs 65/kilogram of redgram, blackgram and greengram, Rs 53/kg of cowpea and Rs 38 for one kg of horsegram.


TNAU experts said the State’s annual requirement of pulses was estimated at around 7 lakh tonnes, but current production in the State was less than 2 lakh tonnes.
