The forthcoming training programme on the use of carbon fibre telescopic poles in arecanut plantations, which will be conducted by Central Arecanut and Cocoa Marketing and Processing Cooperative (Campco) Ltd, will focus on youths who want to take up this as a self-employment activity, SN Khandige, Vice-President of Campco.

He told BusinessLine that the cooperative will conduct a three-day training programme on the use of carbon fibre telescopic poles in arecanut plantations from January 10.

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Stressing the agricultural cooperative societies in arecanut-growing regions to take a lead in conducting such training programmes to boost the income of the rural youths, he said more than 50 youths in Kumata taluk of Karnataka’s Uttara Kannada district have been earning nearly ₹25,000 a month by doing such job works in the arecanut plantations of other people.

Though many agriculture cooperatives in Uttara Kannada and Shivamogga districts of Karnataka have taken the lead to organise such training programmes in their region, there is a need for cooperative societies and farmer producer organisations (FPOs) in other regions also to conduct such training in their jurisdiction also.

Boost to income

Apart from creating a pool of skilled workforce to carry out the activities related to harvesting of the crop and spraying fungicides to arecanut plants, such training programmes would also open doors for self-employment opportunities for many rural youths boosting their income.

Asked about the response to Campco’s initiatives a few years on organising training programmes on arecanut tree climbing for carrying activities related to harvesting and fungicide spraying, he said still there is a fear among a majority of people to take up arecanut climbing as a profession.

Also read: Campco plans training on carbon fibre telescopic poles in areca plantations

The reported cases of people falling from trees is a reason for this fear. Such fears and several other factors are keeping the youths away from taking up tree climbing as a profession, he said.

In such a situation, the use of carbon fibre telescopic poles does not require the person to climb the tree. The person can do spraying and harvesting from the ground only. This should attract more youths to this training, he added.