The Centre has asked the Haryana, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh governments to test wheat samples jointly with the Food Corporation of India (FCI) immediately on its arrival from rain-hit areas, so that appropriate relaxation in quality norms can be considered for the procurement.

Procurement quality norms are decided every year on the recommendations of a committee of experts that includes the Food Secretaries of the states. “If the quality of wheat is affected due to unseasonal rains or any other reason, relaxation in the norms is considered on the recommendations of States after testing samples of wheat on its arrival,” the Food Ministry said in a statement on Tuesday.

During the current Rabi season, quality norms for procurement of wheat, which has lost its shine, have already been relaxed in Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat,” the Ministry said, adding that after testing the samples in Madhya Pradesh, shrunk and broken grains have been allowed up to 10 per cent of moisture content.

Citing instances of easing of rice procurement norms in areas affected by cyclone Phailin and Hud Hud, it said in view of the interests of farmers, the Government relaxes the norms for foodgrains procurement from time to time.

The Ministry’s decision follows close on the heels of a letter by Congress president Sonia Gandhi to Food Minister Ram Vilas Paswan on Monday seeking easing of FCI procurement norms for rain-damaged wheat, and a similar plea from Haryana Chief Minister M L Khattar.

Under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, relaxation in quality norms is allowed in the case of broken and shrunk grains and if grains have lost shine. According to the Act, grains having more than 14 per cent moisture cannot be stored and procured, the Ministry added.