Out of the 50,365 kg of tea traded at TGLIA (The Golden Leaf India Award) Special Tea Auction this morning, over 48,500 kg was sold.

Trade sources seemed quite pleased after two-and-half hours of trading for they got a better rate for the teas offered at this special auction.

The catalogued quantity comprised 32,636 kg of tea leaf and 17,729 kg of dust.

"The average rate touched Rs 154 a kg, Rs 20 more than the rates prevailing at the auction. It is fairly reasonable," a market source told Business Line .

The source also said that Chamraj teas fetched the highest price, touching Rs 1,200/kg mark. Kolkata-based Premier Tea bought 105 kg, the source added.

Auctioneers from all the centres – Coonoor, Coimbatore, Kochi, Siliguri, Guwahati and Kolkata participated in today’s speciality auction.

Trade sources said that the maximum bids were from the Coonoor auction centre.