The Centre has approved the Coconut Development Board’s (CDB) annual action plan, which envisages an outlay of ₹212 crore for 2019-2020.

The Board has approved allocation to various States. For the current year, the Board has allocated ₹29.6 crore to Odisha to make up for the losses caused by Cyclone Fani. It is taking up a massive area expansion programme and also encouraging value addition to coconuts.

More emphasis will be laid on production of quality planting material.The Technology Mission on Coconut (TMoC) is under implementation to address the problems, bridge gaps and ensure adequate, appropriate and timely action.

In this endeavour, national institutes such as Centra Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI)and State Agricultural Universities have offered financial support for research and development on new coconut- based products.

Small and marginal entrepreneurs will also benefit from the scheme under TMoC, said a press release.

All the benefits under various schemes implemented by the CDB will be transferred directly to the farmers (direct benefit transfer mode).

India tops in coconut production and productivity. The total value of exports in 2018-19 was ₹2,045 crore.

The CDB has undertaken special schemes for improvement of the sector. In the wake of cyclones in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh and floods in Kerala, special financial packages were released to farmers.