Coffee Boards has initiated multidisciplinary approach to tackle white stem borer (WSB) and berry borer menace.

Arabica coffee plantations are affected by WSB wherein larvae bores into the plant's stem causing death of plants. Berry borer affects robusta plants by eating the fruits during harvest.

These two pest incidents considerably affect the coffee quality and production in the country.

To address this, the Coffee Board has drawn up two-pronged strategy — short-term with a time span of one to two years and long-term spanning over five years.

“We are planning to address this key issue by involving other commodity research institutes in the country such as ICAR, IIHR, NBCC and Coconut Board,” Mr Jawaid Akhtar, Chairman Coffee Board told Business Line .

“Through this multi-research approach we have taken up ‘management of coffee WSB in the arabica growing regions' as a mission-mode project,” he added.

Data sharing

For the project, existing data on WSB collected by the Central Coffee Research Institute (CCRI) over the years are to be shared with other research institutes to find solutions.

Coffee Board has already released Rs 20 lakh for the short-term plan. As for the long-term initiative, it plans to include in the 12th Five Year Plan as it involves huge funding.

“For long-term initiative, we plan to collaborate with other scientific institutions to find a solution or to develop pest-resistant coffee plants,” Mr Akhtar said.

Currently the Board is trying to raise growers' awareness on the berry borer issue and is actively advocating measures such as clean harvest and pest management practices to contain the infestation. Clean harvesting is removal of all left over berries and gleanings after harvest season.