After ruling above the 20-lakh-kg mark for three consecutive weeks for the first time this calendar, the offer at Sale No: 30 of Coonoor Tea Trade Association auctions to be held on Thursday and Friday has fallen to 18.57 lakh kg, according to our analysis of the brokers’ listings.

This is the lowest offer in five weeks.

It is about 1.96 lakh kg less than last week’s offer but 1.57 lakh kg more than the offer this time last year. Of the 18.57 lakh kg, 13.53 lakh kg belongs to the leaf grades and 5.04 lakh kg belongs to the dust grades. As much as 14.75 lakh kg belongs to CTC variety and only one lakh kg, orthodox variety. The proportion of orthodox teas continues to be low in both the leaf and dust grades. In the leaf counter, only 0.49 lakh kg belongs to orthodox while 13.04 lakh kg to CTC.

Among the dusts, only 0.33 lakh kg belongs to orthodox while 4.71 lakh kg, CTC. Fresh tea accounts for 11.39 lakh kg. As much as 7.18 lakh kg comprise teas which had remained unsold in the previous auctions.

In the past few weeks, 25-35 per cent of the offer had remained unsold. In the leaf auction last week, Hindustan Unilever Ltd operated on better medium varieties. Duncans Tea Ltd was selective and Tata Global Beverages Ltd did not operate.