Cooperation at multilateral level among like-minded countries can contribute substantially to the development of commodity sectors like natural rubber, said A Ajith Kumar, Chairman, Rubber Board.

He was inaugurating the 39th Assembly Session of the Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries (ANRPC) held at Guwahati. Co-operation in developmental activities with smallholder focus has been accorded due importance by the association, he observed.

San Vanty, Chairman of ANRPC, representing the Royal Government of Cambodia, chaired the meeting and delivered the introductory statement. Toms Joseph, Joint Director, Rubber Board, welcomed the gathering.

Salmiah Ahmad, Chief Executive Officer, International Rubber Consortium Ltd, said that International Tripartite Rubber Council (ITRC) and IRCo have established a regional rubber market named ITRC RRM, which started operations from September 26.