Crystal Crop Protection has launched a new fungicide — Mentor — for paddy, which not only helps control sheath blight disease, but also improves the overall health of the crop resulting in higher yield and quality produce.

Mentor has been tested in various state agricultural universities all across the country and over the past five years, more than 1,000 demonstrations have been carried out in various paddy-growing regions.

“Paddy is the most important crop not just for farmers, but also food security of the country. We are delighted to launch new R&D based product Mentor, a powerful fungicide for the paddy crop. It will be an exclusive offering by Crystal Crop and will make farmers grow more profitable crop by attaining its maximum genetic potential,” said CS Shukla, Senior VP, Strategic Marketing at Crystal Crop Protection Ltd.

Mentor will make Crystal Crop reach more farmers in paddy growing regions of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Telangana, West Bengal, Punjab, Haryana etc. The product will be made available immediately to the farmers in the ongoing rabi season and will strengthen the company’s fungicide portfolio that includes brands like Bavistin, Tilt, Blue Copper, Azotrix.

Crystal Crop has a strong pipeline and the company plans to launch 4-5 new products across crops in the next finanical year.