The average price of Crush-Tear-Curl (CTC) teas from the bought leaf factories in Coimbatore district was the lowest among all the districts in the entire country in May, reveals our analysis of the latest data available with the Tea Board.

In May, the average price of CTC teas from bought leaf factories in Coimbatore district was ₹112.94 a kg. Closely following that was The Nilgiris district at ₹122.60 a kg. In other words, Tamil Nadu recorded the lowest prices among all the States in the country.

Arunachal Pradesh recorded the highest price of ₹ 294.17 a kg. Jorhat in Assam got ₹ 212.55 and Cachar ₹ 203.60 a kg. Nagaland factories got ₹ 203.65 a kg.

Nearly 30 districts in the country have bought leaf factories and some of them are in non-traditional regions like Bihar. Most bought leaf tea factories operate in Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka (Chickmagalur district), Nagaland and Meghalaya.

Tea Board fixes the district average price for the green leaf supplied by small growers in a month in applicable area based on the consolidated auction price of CTC teas from the bought leaf factories in the previous month.

Bought leaf factories are required to pay not less than this price while procuring the green leaf during the applicable month.