A cyclonic circulation has formed over south-west Bay of Bengal, and shifted bearing to around the Comorin region off the Peninsular South on Sunday evening.

The Thiruvananthapuram Met Centre has warned that strong westerly winds could prevail in the Lakshadweep area and off the Kerala coast during 24 hours beginning Sunday afternoon.


The cyclonic circulation is closely watched for signs of settling into a position, further organisation into a potential storm and onward movement.

As of now, the sea and atmosphere conditions dictate terms to it; this can reverse only if it is able to stand on its own and gain some strength.


But this will take at least three more days, according to the Joint Typhoon Warning Centre of the US Navy and the UK Met Office.

A former top meteorologist of India Meteorological Department said that Global Forecast System indicate development of cyclonic system by mid-week over South Bay of Bengal and its intensification.

However, he cautioned that at times the GFS model gives false alarms beyond five days.

Meanwhile, the US National Centre for Environmental Prediction saw escalation of rainfall over the West coast and peninsular India during May 13 to 21.

This is shown as being triggered by the northward movement of the storm-in-the-making in the Bay of Bengal along the Chennai coast.

The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts continues to posit a minimal storm close to Chennai around May 14.

Speaking to Business Line , the former met official also noted that pre-monsoon rainfall peak over Kerala had not been observed as yet.


During past week, largely seasonal weather prevailed over the country. A western disturbance caused scattered rain/thundershowers over western Himalayas.

Scattered thundershowers over peninsula occurred due to convergence of wind patterns from seas to both sides of the peninsula. Belgaum airport in Karnataka even reported hailstorm on May 2.

Daytime temperatures have reached 40 degree Celsius and above over Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Bihar. Seasonal thunderstorm activity continued unabated over East India.

With clear skies, temperatures are expected to rise over most parts of the country, he said. Scattered thunderstorm activity would continue to hold over the peninsula.
