Following massive damage of kharif crops due to October rains, farmers in the State have demanded ₹50,000 per hectare compensation from the government. Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray has ordered an immediate assessment of crop loss and damage.

Massive rains in the last few days have damaged kharif crops across Maharashtra. The initial estimate is that kharif crops spread over 50 lakh hectares has been damaged. Cotton and soyabean, the major kharif crops in Marathwada and Vidarbha regions, are the most affected.

Even as CM Thackeray has asked district officials to conduct a damage assessment, the government has not spelt on how much compensation is being given to farmers. The government has already declared a freeze on new capital works till March next year and has imposed a 67 per cent cut in development (scheme) spend for 2020-21 owing to a decline in revenue since March after the Covid-19 outbreak.

Farmer organisations across the State demanded that the government must provide immediate help to farmers and later complete the damage assessment. Damage assessment of crops destroyed in September rains is still incomplete and now farmers have suffered because of October showers.