Tea prices dropped at Kochi tea auctions last week following higher offerings.

At sale No 41, the quantity on offer in CTC dust category was 14,55,000 kg. The market opened Rs 5-10 lower and prices declined to the tune of up to Rs 20 as the sale progressed. It also witnessed heavy withdrawals.

However, the drop in prices was less for low medium and plainer varieties, according to auctioneers Forbes, Ewart and Figgis.

There was a better export enquiry compared with last week and it was confined to medium and plainer teas.

The quantity on offer in orthodox dust was 10,500 kg and the market sold around last levels.

Exporters covered useful quantity under orthodox category also.

In the best CTC dusts, PD grades quoted Rs 102-118, RD varieties fetched Rs 118-150, SRD ruled at Rs 126-152 and SFD stood at Rs 130-160.

The leaf sale also witnessed a declining trend and the quantity on offer in the orthodox grades was 1,72,500 kg.

The select best Nilgiri sold around last level. Others were irregular, while medium tippy grades barely remained steady.

The quantity on offer in leaf category was 76,000 kg and the demand was fair. The market was lower by Rs 3-5 and witnessed heavy withdrawals.

In the dust category, Manjolai SFD fetched the best prices of Rs 169 followed by Sholayar SFD and Kallyar SFD at Rs 161 each. In the leaf varieties, Pascoes Woodlands Hyson Green Tea quoted the best prices of Rs 287 followed by Chamraj FOP-Sup (Green Tea) at Rs 272.
