eFeed, a precision animal management and nutrition company, has launched a VetVantage, an artificial intelligence-powered software as a service (SAAS) platform for dairy firms to manage and reduce methane emissions from their cattle and monetise their sustainability goal by the means of carbon credits. The latest version, MethaneTracker 2.0, offers a revolutionary solution to one of the most pressing environmental challenges in livestock emissions, the company said in a statement.

VetVantage is a cutting-edge methane emission calculator that leverages AI, precision animal nutrition and geospatial data from satellites to provide dairy companies with accurate estimates of their Scope 3 cattle methane emissions. This tool is crucial in India, where livestock not only plays a vital economic role but also contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, the company claimed.

Dairy companies receive precise methane emission estimates by inputting detailed information about their geographies, animals and feed. This empowers them to make informed decisions about feed management, aiming to reduce emissions and participate in carbon credit markets. As a result dairy companies would be able to incentivise farmers with best practices and high-quality nutrition products resulting in better dairy incomes, improved quality of milk and climate-resilient dairy products, the company said.