Erstwhile cyclone ‘Mandous’ is expected to become a depression over interior Tamil Nadu by Saturday noon after it completed landfall early in the morning over the Tamil Nadu-South Coastal Andhra Pradesh close to Mamallapuram. It had weakened into a deep depression and lay 70 km North-West of Mamallpuram and 50 km West of Chennai by 5.30 am.

India Meteorological Department (IMD) has predicted light to moderate rainfall at most places over North Tamil Nadu, Rayalaseema and adjoining South Andhra Pradesh. Heavy to very heavy rainfall is likely at isolated places over North Tamil Nadu and Rayalaseema and adjoining South Andhra Pradesh.

More rain forecast 

Fishermen are advised not to venture into the South-West Bay of Bengal till Saturday evening and along and off the North Sri Lanka coast till the forenoon as well as off the Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and South Andhra Pradesh coasts and the Gulf of Mannar till the evening. 

For the rest of Saturday, the forecast said light to moderate rainfall is likely at most places with heavy to very heavy rainfall at isolated places over North Tamil Nadu and Rayalaseema and adjoining South Andhra Pradesh while it will be heavy over isolated places over South Interior Karnataka.

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Fishermen are advised not to venture into the South-West Bay of Bengal and along and off Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and South Andhra Pradesh coasts and the Gulf of Mannar till Saturday evening . Thunderstorms accompanied by lightning are likely at isolated places over Coastal Andhra Pradesh, Yanam, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Karaikal, Kerala and Mahe.

Fresh circulation soon

As for Sunday, the remnant depression from ‘Mandous’ moving inland over the South Peninsula will drop heavy rains over South Interior Karnataka while thunderstorms accompanied with lightning are forecast over Marathwada, Karnataka, Coastal Andhra Pradesh, Yanam, Telangana, Rayalaseema, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Karaikal, Kerala and Mahe. 

The IMD has retained the watch for a fresh cyclonic circulation forming over the South Andaman Sea in the next three-four days. This is forecast by global models to propel towards the South of Sri Lanka and bring major gains to the entire Tamil Nadu coast, including the South, in the form of another spell of heavy rain from next week.