Export of coir and coir products reached an all time high of 321,016.02 tonnes valued at Rs 807.07 crore for 2010-2011. This is an increase of 9 per cent in quantity and a marginal increase of 0.4 per cent in terms of value over exports achieved in 2009-2010.

During 2009-2010, exports of coir and coir products were at 294,508.05 tonnes valued at Rs 804.05 crore. The export during 2010-11 has surpassed the target of Rs 800 crore fixed by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.

Even though, the achievement in terms of value is marginal, it is significant considering the setback faced by the industry during the previous year mainly on account of scarcity of raw materials and manpower shortages, the Coir Board Chairman, Mr V.S. Vijayaraghavan, said today.