With curbs on tobacco products proving to be stifling, tobacco farmers have asked the government to show viable alternative to the crop. They said harsh restrictions on tobacco products have failed to deter consumption as smuggled products have flooded the Indian market.

“The illicit tobacco products market, pegged at Rs 13,000 crore, is adversely impacting the domestic tobacco sales. Smuggled cigarettes are flooding the Indian markets with large-scale consignments from Pakistan, Bangladesh and other countries,” Murali Babu, Kondapi Tobacco Growers’ Association (Andhra Pradesh), said.

Addressing a press conference here on Thursday, he said smuggling activity has resulted in stoppage of sales of about 20 million kilograms of tobacco in the domestic market.

P Chengal Reddy, Chairman of Consortium of Indian Farmers’ Associations (CIFA), said that proceeds of illicit tobacco trade could strengthen the arms of terrorism. “The government has been asking the farmers to move away from tobacco cultivation without suggesting an alternative,” he said.

B V Javare Gowda, Federation of Karnataka Virginia Tobacco Growers’ Association (Mysore), has demanded a CBI enquiry into the fund flow into non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that were fighting against tobacco consumption.

“They are getting funds from multi-national corporations. They are fighting against tobacco, while turning a blind eye to ills caused by liquor consumption,” he said.