Despite a marginal fall in yields, the outlook for maize production in the country in the kharif season is positive, according to Prerana Desai, Head of Research (Samunnati Agri Research).

Despite a decline in area in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra, maize production is likely to go up by 1.7 per cent at 15.7 million tonnes in the country this year, she said.

She was making a presentation on ‘Have corn dynamics changed in recent years’ at the National Symposium with the theme ‘Feeding the growing livestock population: Current and future challenges’ organised by the CLFMA of India here on September 25.

Unupom Kaushik, President of NCML (National Commodities Management Services Limited), said that the prices of soyabean in the country were likely to continue the current momentum at ₹5,000 levels.

He made a presentation on the ‘Market driving factors: Soyabean and Soyabean meal’ at the symposium.

Mrugank Paranjape, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of NCDEX e-Markets Limited, made a presentation on ‘Market Linkages: Derivatives, Spot for Animal Feed Products’.

He said that the animal feed industry faced a serious challenge in the form of diversion of raw materials (sorghum and maize) for human consumption and ethanol production. This would lead to a shortage of the commodities for the feed Industry.

G Chandrashekhar, a senior agri and commodities journalist, spoke on ‘the Contours of Sustainable Animal Feed Market’.


The Union Minister of fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Parshottam Rupala presented the Lifetime Achievement Awards to Subhash V Vaidya and Bharat Tandon for their contributions to the livestock industry.

Also, the CLFMA Award was presented to A Natarajan, Professor and Head at Animal Feed Analytical and Quality Assurance lab, VCRI, Nammakal; V Sridhar, General Manager at National Dairy Development Board, and V Ramsubba Reddy (Retd Professor, animal nutrition, agriculture university, Hyderabad) for their services to the livestock sector.