Country’s foodgrain production has been revised upwards by over 5 million tonne to 255.36 million tonne in 2012-13 crop year from earlier estimates on account of higher output of rice, wheat and coarse cereals, according to the data released by the Agriculture Ministry.

The foodgrain output for 2012-13 crop year (July-June) was projected at 250.14 million tonne in the second advance estimates released in February.

Despite upward revision in the third estimate released today, foodgrain production will be lower than the previous year’s record 259.32 million tonne.

This is because of drought in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat and Rajasthan on account of poor monsoon last year.

According to 3rd Advance Estimate, rice production has been revised upwards to 104.22 million tonne for 2012-13, from 101.80 million tonne in 2nd advance estimate. It is still lower than previous year’s record 105.31 million tonne.

Similarly, wheat production has been pegged higher at 93.62 million tonne in 2012-13 from earlier estimate of 92.3 million tonne, but is lower than the record 94.88 million tonnes in the previous year.

Pulses production, too, has been revised slightly upwards to 18 million tonnes from 17.58 million tonne in February estimates. In the 2011-12 crop year, pulses output stood at 17.09 million tonnes.

The production of coarse cereals has been pegged higher at 39.52 million tonne in 2012-13, from the earlier estimates of 38.47 million tonne. In 2011-12 crop year, the coarse cereals output stood at 42.04 million tonne.