Global coffee exports rose 24 per cent in April to 9.73 million bags against 7.84 million bags in the year-ago period, according to the latest International Coffee Organisation (ICO) data.

One bag equals 60 kg.

Global exports in April, however, were less compared with the record exports achieved in March this year at 10.4 million bags.

During the first seven months of the current coffee year (October 2010-April 2011), exports have increased by 16.7 per cent to 62.7 million bags against 53.7 million bags in the year-ago period.

Higher exports can be attributed to rise in global output by 8.1 per cent to 133 million bags in 2010-11 crop year. The crop year varies from country to country.

Global consumption of coffee continues to maintain some buoyancy. It is estimated at 134 million bags in the calendar year 2010 compared with 130.9 million bags in 2009, the ICO said.