A global sugar deficit of 2.34 million tonnes is seen developing in the 2019-20 season, compared to a 0.48 million-tonne surplus in 2018-19 as output from major Asian players is set to fall, said Plinio Nastari, president of consultancy Datagro.

Production in second-largest producer India is forecast to fall to 29.1 million tonnes from 33.2 million tonnes in the previous season, Nastari said during an industry event at New York Sugar Week. Thai output is seen falling to 13.5 million tonnes from 14.55 million in 2018-19, Nastari said.

Rising production in other parts of the world, however, will help limit the size of the global deficit.

In Brazil's main cane-growing centre-south region, output is expected to rise to 28 million tonnes from 26.5 million tonnes, while production from the European Union is seen rising to 18.32 million tonnes from 17.64 million tonnes, Nastari said.