Union Home and Cooperation Minister Amit Shah on Sunday said that the government is planning to issue globally valid certification to organic farmers so that they can take their products abroad.

He also announced that the government will soon set up a national university for cooperative management courses. Shah was speaking at the convocation ceremony of Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Cooperative Management (VAMNICOM) in Pune.

“There is awareness about organic farming these days and more and more farmers are moving towards organic farming. But there is no product certification and market chain. The Cooperation Department has decided that with help of a successful model of Amul we will provide a globally valid certificate to farmers for land and produce,” said Shah.

He said that the government will take steps to ensure that the market chain for organic produce is in place and farmers get the appropriate price for their produce. Shah said that the government has planned computerisation of Primary Agricultural Societies (PAS) which will be connected to District Central Banks which in turn will be connected to NABARD.

The Minister said that the union government is planning a national university for cooperatives and every State will have a college connected to this university.