Godavari Biorefineries Ltd has opened a new specialty bio-chemical plant at the Sakarwadi manufacturing facility in Maharashtra. The company intends to produce bio-based chemicals at this plant to support the green and net-zero ambitions of its clientele in different markets across the globe.

“Godavari Biorefineries Ltd has taken the step with the intention to support the world’s ambition for net-zero strategies by developing a multipurpose plant which aims to produce bio-based chemicals for coatings and resins, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and food and fragrances markets,” the company said in a statement.

Quoting Samir Somaiya, Chairman of Somaiya Group and Godavari Biorefineries Ltd, said: “At Godavari Biorefineries, we make specialty chemicals from renewable resources using green chemistry. We work with farmers to develop sustainable agricultural value chains that serve as a feedstock for our bio-based chemicals.”

Creating value

“This multipurpose plant intends to produce bio-chemicals such as bio-butanol, bio-based ethers and esters in this plant. Godavari Biorefineries Ltd has the strategy to further develop and scale up its capacity in the coming years in volumes and for new bio-based chemicals,” the statement added.

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Sangeeta Srivastava, Chief Executive Officer of Godavari Biorefineries Ltd, said: “We work in close relation and collaboration with our customers to develop and produce new bio-based chemical building blocks in several markets. In co-creation we work from research and development to pilot scale towards the (semi-)commercial scale of new bio-based chemicals into several applications and products that can become bio-based and green. It is a journey towards net-zero where we are open for new partnerships and new insights, and define pathways to take together.”

“Godavari Biorefineries Ltd, which has experience of over eight decades in the sugar industry and over six decades in the bio-based chemicals industry, works with farmers in sugarcane and other biomass crops to create value for communities and customers’ value chains,” the company said.