To tackle the rising prices of pulses and check its shortage, a high-level government delegation on Tuesday left for Mozambique to explore import options. A Central team is already in Myanmar for the same purpose.

The delegation, led by Hem Pande, Secretary, Consumer Affairs, also consists of senior officials from the Ministries of Commerce, Agriculture and MMTC and will explore short- and long-term measures to import pulses from Mozambique on government-to-government basis, an official release said.

The government swung into action as there has been no let-up in the prices of pulses, a key source of protein for the poor, with retail prices rising up to Rs 200/kg. Domestic production of pulses has seen a shortfall of about seven million tonnes following two consecutive drought years.

India imports nearly a quarter of pulses to meet the domestic demand. As on June 7, about 13,000 tonnes of pulses had reached the country, imported by private and public agencies, and delivery of about 6,000 tonnes was in the pipeline, as per the Ministry.

Besides contracted imports of 38,500 tonnes, government agencies have also procured 51,000 tonnes of Kharif and 60,000 tonnes of Rabi pulses, it added in an earlier release.