Procurement of wheat by Government agencies has picked up as arrivals have gained momentum in States such as Punjab and Haryana.

In the Rabi marketing season, so far, the Government agencies have procured 11.94 million tonnes of wheat, about 30 per cent more than 9.23 mt in the same period last year.

In Punjab, the Government has procured 4.3 mt so far, more than double the 1.99 mt, it had procured last year.

The Government had procured 12.83 mt from Punjab last year, while overall procurement across the country stood at 38.14 mt.

In Haryana, the procurement, so far is marginally lower at 3.7 mt against last year’s 3.79 mt.

The Government had procured 8.66 mt of wheat from Haryana last year.

In Madhya Pradesh, the procurement this year is higher 17 per cent at 3.63 mt against last year’s 3.09 m t.

The Government had procured 8.49 mt last year from Madhya Pradesh.

However, in Uttar Pradesh, the country’s largest wheat producing State, the procurement by State agencies is still sluggish due to a weak procurement mechanism.

The Government agencies have bought about 75,765 tonnes of wheat in UP, almost half of last year’s 1.4 lakh tonnes.

The total wheat crop this year is expected to be higher than last year’s 93.9 mt and is pegged at around 96 mt.

The Centre expects to procure a record 44 mt, about 6 mt or 15 per cent more than 38.14 mt procured last year.

Wheat stocks with the Government stood at 24.2 mt as on April 1, and by June 1, the stocks are expected to rise to 62 mt.