Green mussel (kallummakkaya) production from the Malabar region comprising Malappuram, Kozhikode, Kannur and Kasaragod has registered a substantial increase in 2022, according to the ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute.

The production from farming recorded a 160 per cent increase last year compared to 2021, while 15 per cent increase was registered in the landings of green mussels from the sea. The major part of the farmed production was from Padanna of Kasaragod district. The major landings were recorded in Moodadi, followed by Telai, Kozhikode south beach and Elathur. Increase in the availability of mussel spats (seeds) in the sea caused many entering the mussel farming enterprises which consequently helped increase the production from culture.

However, CMFRI scientists observed that rise in production did not help mussel farmers and pickers reap proportional income owing to slump in the price. To resolve this issue, CMFRI suggested focusing on developing value-added products from the green mussel.

The report was presented at a stakeholder workshop held at CMFRI’s regional station in Kozhikode.

According to CMFRI, marine fish landings in the region also increased with a total production of 1.99 lakh tonnes from the four districts of Malabar last year, a 38 per cent increase over 2021 contributed mainly by the increased landings of Indian oil sardine and mackerel. The region contributed 29 per cent to Kerala’s marine fish landings which was 6.87 lakh tonnes in the year.

TM Najmudeen, principal scientist and V Mahesh, scientist of CMFRI presented the status report at the workshop which was attended by representatives of fishermen, boat owners, traders, workers in allied areas, state fisheries department and other agencies.

Habitat degradation

K Vinod, Head of the Regional Station, Calicut said habitat degradation in estuaries are affecting the coastal fish production. Sand bar formation in the bar mouth of the estuaries causes disruption of natural flow of water and environmental balance affecting the fish resources. Restoration of the estuarine ecosystem and mangrove wetlands are also crucial for healthy marine fish production in the coastal waters, he said.

Fishermen expressed their concern over the recent trend of fall in price for export shrimp varieties. They said that ways for utilising the prospects of deep sea resources should be explored. For them, extensive exploitation of seer fish in an unscientific manner would harm the sustainability of the resources. They also demanded that Malabar region be given proper representation in policymaking and fisheries infrastructure support. In a bid to make effective the MLS (Minimum Legal Size) regulations, this should be implemented across the value chain.