GROWiT, a direct-to-farmer (D2F) protective farming manufacturer, has entered into a technology partnership with Baramati Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK).

A statement said, GROWiT will receive input on technical aspects of farming, and improve its products. The farm science centre —Baramati KVK — will gain access to GROWiT products for use in research. The access is applicable even if the KVK is conducting trials of different companies’ seeds and fertilisers.

The statement said that, this agreement will not only assist KVK in making its research and development (R&D) more sustainable, but will also assist the centre in increasing yields and providing the best results to farmers. KVK students will have the opportunity to learn first hand about protective farming and the application of related technology, it added.

Instant access to farmers

Quoting Saurabh Agarwal, Director and Chief Executive Officer of GROWiT, the statement said, “We started GROWiT to educate more farmers about the advantages of protective farming. Our alliance with Baramati KVK will help increase farmers’ and franchise owners’ trust in our model and the products we supply them.”

The partnership with the KVK will give GROWiT instant access to about 400-500 farmers. The centre also conducts a variety of events regularly. It will give the company plenty of opportunities to meet farmers and village sarpanchs, and further spread awareness about the benefits of its products and protective farming techniques, it said.