A strong buying from AVT and Kerala Civil Supplies Corporation lifted tea prices at Kochi auctions especially for high-priced dust varieties, which was dearer by ₹5-10 a kg.

These two companies together absorbed 50 per cent of the 6,76,668 kg of the quantity offered in sale 45. According to traders, a good retail demand for tea in the State has facilitated these companies to procure more quantity.

Low medium and plainer teas also witnessed strong feature and its was higher by ₹10-15, especially for powdery types. The strong demand was reflected in the average price realization, which went up to touch ₹198 per kg from ₹192 in the previous week.

Kerala loose tea traders operated hand to mouth, while exporters are selective and operated at bottom of the market. They covered only a very small quantity, the auctioneers Forbes, Ewart & Figgis said.

In orthodox dust, the market for leafier types was dearer and powdery type tended to ease. The quantity offered was 12,500 kg.

Orthodox leaves witnessed a widespread demand from exporters and upcountry buyers, witnessing a sale of 97 per cent of the 2,27,531 kg of the offered quantity. The average price realised was ₹172 compared to ₹169 in the previous week.

In CTC leaf, the demand for good liquoring teas was good, while the rest was less. The quantity offered was 80,000 kg, while Kerala buyers lent a fair support. Packeteers remained selective.