The International Coffee Organisation (ICO) has revised its global coffee production estimate for the current coffee year to 128.6 million bags, which is 1.2 million bags more than the forecast it made last month.

Last month, the ICO had revised its projection for the 2011-12 coffee year (October-September) to 127.4 million bags of 60 kg each from its June forecast of 130 million bags.

“Bad weather continues to have a negative impact on production in some areas by causing a rise in coffee pests and diseases,” it said.

The ICO had earlier cautioned that if the bad weather continues, production potential and coffee quality could be affected in 2011-12.

Production of Arabica and Robusta coffee beans in the 2011-12 crop year will amount to 79.6 million bags and 48.9 million bags, respectively, it said.

In the 2010-11 crop year, world coffee production is estimated at 133.1 million bags, which includes 83.2 million bags of Arabica and 50 million bags of the Robusta variety.

Rising consumption of the brew and an expected fall in production will affect the demand-supply gap in the current crop year, the ICO said.

“With world consumption estimated at 135 million bags in calendar year 2010, the supply-demand balance continues to be tight,” it added.

Global consumption of coffee rose 2.4 per cent to 135 million bags in 2010 compared with 131.8 million bags in 2009.