A total of 735 highly nutirious and drought-tolerant crop varieties, developed using germplasm and breeding materials from the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (Icrisat) was released in 78 countries, significantly contributing to increased income and better nutrition of poor people in dryland tropics.

Icrisat’s substantial contribution to global food security over the last three decades was evident from the recent report on varieties released by the National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) worldwide.

Using Icrisat germplasm and breeding materials, 735 varieties/hybrids have been released by NARS as of December 2010: Sorghum-242; Pearl millet-163; Groundnut-145; Chickpea-120; and Pigeonpea-65. Of these, 347 are in Asia (198 in India); 319 in sub-Saharan Africa (183 in East and Southern Africa and 136 in West and Central Africa) and 69 in the rest of the world.

The collaborative research partnership between India and Icrisat has been particularly productive, as illustrated in the release of 198 improved varieties of Sorghum (35), Pearl millet (80), Chickpea (36), Pigeonpea (21) and Groundnut (26) by national or state-level release committees or by private sector seed companies, raising production and the income of millions of smallholder farmers in the country.

The Icrisat Director-General, Mr William D. Dar, said: “We are pleased that our germplasm and breeding materials are contributing to global food security and complimented all national programme partners and Icrisat scientists for this accomplishment.”

“Through partnership-based international agricultural research-for-development that embodies science with a human Face, Icrisat will continue to work for the improvement of the well-being of millions of smallholder farmers, particularly in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa,” Mr Dar said.

Grain Legumes such as groundnut pigeonpea and chickpea are susceptible to pests and diseases. This increases the risk for smallholder farmers and limits the adoption of improved cultivars. Icrisat has scored important successes in this area and continues to battle these biotic constraints in an integrated way, by including breeding for resistance as well as the judicious use of biological crop management and chemical-control methods.

Icrisat and its Indian partner institutions’ creation of the world’s first hybrid pigeonpea is now making major impact on the income and nutrition of many poor people worldwide. These hybrid increases yield by an average of 33 per cent in on-farm trials, adding about $400 to net income per hectare. This will revolutionise the production of the high-protein ‘poor people’s meat’ crop across India, Myanmar and China in the coming years.

Earlier-maturing, heat-tolerant high-value chickpea varieties from Icrisat, particularly, JG 11 have more than doubled the yields, from 600 to 1400 kg/ha in Andhra Pradesh, stimulating a four-fold increase in sown area from 160,000 to 630,000 hectares. The added value of grain is $69 million annually, reaped by 6 million people in rural farm households.

In Anantapur, where over 50 per cent of farm income comes from groundnut, the new variety ICGV 91114 from Icrisat increased yield by 23 per cent and is characterised by its drought-tolerance, higher-value large seeds, more uniform harvest maturity, disease tolerance and greater palatability of haulms (straw) for livestock.

An estimated additional 42,000 tonnes of groundnut is being produced annually, worth $3.7 million to 30,000 farm households (150,000 people). Net income from this crop increases by 35 per cent, on the average 1.5 ha groundnut field area per farmer, worth an extra $110. Cows fed on these haulms produce 11 per cent more milk.

By 2020, the impact of this variety in Anantapur is projected to increase to 35 per cent from 0.75 million hectares of groundnut.

Icrisat’s vision of prosperous, food-secure and resilient dryland tropics is shared by its NARS partners all over the world.

It generates scientific and technologial innovations to reduce smallholder farmers’ vulnerability to drought and climate change while increasing crop diversity and value; harness development pathways for inclusive prosperity; raise and secure productivity for health, income and sustainability; and increase productivity to help end hunger and food insecurity.