The rain-driving well-marked low-pressure area to the northwest of the country has weakened this morning, but rains there would continue there until tomorrow.

The system is located over West Uttar Pradesh, and will continue to drop rain over West Uttar Pradesh and the hilly Himachal Pradesh.

‘Vigorous’ monsoon

Yesterday, the monsoon was ‘vigorous’ over Uttarakand, Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi and Himachal Pradesh, an India Met Deparment (IMD) update said.

The intensity of the rainfall over West Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand would come down tomorrow, and the region would gradually start preparing for the withdrawal of the monsoon.

The withdrawal, already delayed by almost a month, would start from the border states of West Rajasthan and adjoining Gujarat.

A US weather tracker, however, sounded a note caution saying that sporadic rains being triggered in the East by off-and-on circulations in the Bay might interfere yet again with the withdrawal process over Central and East India.

New buzz in the Bay

Meanwhile, weather watchers are now training their focus to a building buzz in the South-East Bay of Bengal, the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand, across the international waters.

A cyclonic circulation has been persisting over the Gulf of Martaban and the adjoining North Andaman Sea over the past few days.

It has set up a trough that cuts through the rest of Bay of Bengal, Rayalaseema and Kerala and reaches into the Lakshadweep area.

The trough provides a runaway for the rain-heads from the Bay to travel into Tamil Nadu, adjoining Karnataka and even Kerala.

In fact, it could once again bring the offshore trough along the West Coast into life, triggering another round of rain for the region.

Clouds reach TN coast

This morning, the clouds from the Bay were seen toying with the Tamil Nadu coast along the Nagapattinam-Karaikal-Kumbakonam-Sirkazhi belt.

As for today, the IMD has forecast heavy to very heavy rain over isolated parts of South Interior Karnataka while it will be heavy over Rayalaseema, Tamil Nadu and Puducherry.

On Monday, this would escalate to heavy to very heavy rain at isolated places over South Interior Karnataka, Rayalaseema, Coastal Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, North Interior Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Puducherry.

On Wednesday and Thursday, the rains would spread out to Odisha, Madhya Maharashtra, Konkan and Goa, apart from Coastal Andhra Pradesh, Coastal Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Puducherry.

This would likely result from the interaction of circulations in the Bay, including the one from the South, with the withdrawing monsoon from the North-West of the country.