Indian coffee exports are down by 7.52 per cent in the first-four months of this coffee crop year (October 1, 2011 to January 31, 2012) at 79,021 tonnes compared to previous year's exports of 85,455 tonnes.

Coffee exports in rupee terms was however up 20.12 per cent at Rs 1,200.92 crore as against Rs 999.72 crore clocked in the same period last year. In dollar terms, it is up 11.02 per cent at $243.05 million as against $218.91 million. In terms of unit value realisation, Indian coffee fetched Rs 1.51 lakh per tonne as against last year's realisation of Rs 1.16 per tonne.

“Exports are down in January due to rupee appreciating against the dollar and buyers' prices not matching growers' expectations. Also there is no parity between domestic price and international market,” said Mr R Srikanth Rao, Director, Bayar's Coffee.

According to trade, exporters in December took advantage of rupee depreciating to the dollar and exported substantial portion of their commitment. As new crop is trickling in to the market, exporters are cautious and are waiting for some clarity in the currency market.

According to Coffee Board statistics as of January 31, arabica parchment constituted 4,121 tonnes (last year's exports stood at 5,723 tonnes), exports of arabica cherry 1,361 tonnes (1,469 tonnes), robusta parchment 670 tonnes (2,104 tonnes) and robusta cherry 7,649 tonnes (5,346 tonnes). Indian Instant coffee exports 2,173 (3,691 tonnes), Instant coffee re-exports 4,985 tonnes (1,851 tonnes).