To help address the challenges faced by smallholder farmers, businesses and consumers, Intellecap and Transform Rural India Foundation (TRIF) today announced the launch of IAFS-CAP, a platform to promote circularity in production, processing and distribution of agriculture products such as food, fibre and fuel.

Circularity in agriculture is about optimising the system and is based on four basic principles — arable land should be used primarily to produce plant biomass for human consumption; by-products from food production, processing and consumption should be recycled back in the food system; adoption of the principles of regenerative agriculture and finally promoting consumption at low trophic levels.

The IAFS-CAPS platform is looking to operationalise about 6-7 projects across the country impacting 1,00,000 farmers, several businesses and consumers while scaling at least three innovations in technology and business models within three years in the circularity space in agriculture and food sectors, Intellecap said in a press release.

The platform will help channelise funds for surfacing circular technologies and business models, help them achieve proof of concept, curate pilots and scale them to help further the circularity agenda in agriculture and food sector in India.

Further, it will enable farmer collectives and contract farming enterprises to access technology, philanthropic capital and premium markets. It will also enable stakeholders to curate partnerships to ensure that adequate quantities of agricultural produce, bearing the right quality specifications, are made available to processors, exporters, organised retail and e-commerce platforms in a timely manner.

Additionally, the platform will also be capable of undertaking deep research and advocacy to identify best practices, ecosystem gaps and ways to stimulate demand for circular food in the country.