Former president, Mr A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, has advocated nationalising of water resources to avoid conflicts.

Commenting on the Mullaiperiyar dam row over which Tamil Nadu and Kerala are at loggerheads, Mr Kalam said leaders of the States concerned have to come together and arrive at a consensus to solve the issue.

But the long-term solution is to form a smart national grid, Mr Kalam said, at the AgriCon 2011 conference. “Huge amounts of water go into the sea.

"We must, therefore, interlink rivers to create a smart water way which will make India a fertile land.”

“Water cannot become a cause for conflicts. The country cannot afford fighting over water resources,” he said.

The former president also suggested that rivers and dams with country must be operated by the armed forces. Speaking on food production and security, Mr Kalam said the country today produces 235 million tonnes of foodgrains, which is “just sufficient.” By 2020, the need is for 340 mt. India has to embark on a second green revolution to increase food production.” But land, labour and water are threatening to become scare by then. This calls for proper harnessing of resources, said Mr Kalam.
