M. Vasanthagesan, Executive Director, Rubber Board, has inaugurated the 5th Technical Committee on Plant Protection in Rubber of Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries (ANRPC) at Rubber Research Institute of India, Kottayam.

In his opening address, he emphasized the urgent need for disease control measures, citing the adverse impact of rubber diseases on growers’ income and national economies.

The three-day meet is jointly organized by the ANRPC and the International Rubber Research and Development Board (IRRDB). Scientists from Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Philippines, India, Papua New Guinea and Vietnam are participating.

Jessy M.D. (Director Research in Charge, RRII), Lakshmi S. Nair (Senior Economist, ANRPC), Kuruvila Jacob (IRRDB Fellow), Tri Rapani Febbiyanti (Liaison Officer, IRRDB) Shaji Philip (Scientist, RRII) and Lam Soon Jin (ANRPC) spoke.

The meeting will discuss on climate change, leaf diseases and their derivatives, clone resilience, plant protection strategies, innovative disease management techniques, drone spraying and crown budding techniques. The conference also features an interactive session with small growers and experts at Central Experimental Station, Chethakkal, Ranni .