Insecticides (India) Ltd (IIL), a listed agro chemicals manufacturing company, today introduced Pulsor, a new generation fungicide from the Japanese Nissan Chemical Industries Ltd in Andhra Pradesh.

Pulsor is effective against sheath blight caused which affects various crops such as paddy. It is important in paddy-growing states such as Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Punjab, Chhattisgarh, Orissa, and West Bengal.

Top officials from Nissan Chemical Industries Ltd, Japan, including their Managing Director, Mr Kiminori Hirata, were present at the launch. Large number of farmers and dealers attended the event.

In India, the total market size for all kinds of fungicides related to paddy is estimated at Rs 800 crore, where sheath blight preventive fungicides have a market share of Rs 200 crore.

With the launch of Pulsor, the company targets to capture a third of the sheath blight preventive fungicides market in the next three years, said Mr Rajesh Aggarwal, Managing Director (IIL).

The company has already launched Nuvan, a popular international insecticide and Hakama, an herbicide in Andhra Pradesh. In a press release, Mr V. K. Garg, General Manager (Marketing), said last year the company did a one-day safety awareness drive on November 11, 2011 with 120 meetings across South.

“We plan to replicate the same in a big way this year again for a full week from July 9-16 wherein 1,300 farmer meets will be conducted and about 30,000 farmers covered,” he added.