Farmers in Karnataka have missed the sowing window for seeding greengram (moong) in the current kharif cropping season as monsoon fails to make a progress in the key producing regions of northern parts of the State. Karnataka is the second largest producer of greengram after Rajasthan in the kharif season.

Moong is largely grown in the rainfed areas in the State, mainly in northern districts of Gadag, Dharwad, Yadgir among others and the seeding normally takes place between May 15 and June 15.

The seeding of moong has taken place only in 0.66 lakh hectares this kharif season till June 22 as compared to 2.53 lakh hectares in the same period last year as per the Karnataka Agriculture Department’s latest data. The State was targeting an area of 3.99 lakh hectares this kharif season.

“Farmers have lost the season for seeding greengram due to lack of rains, so far. There has been sporadic seeding in some areas where farmers have irrigation facilities or have received some rains,” said L G Hiregoudar, Head of ICAR-K H Patil Krishi Vigyan Kendra in Hulkoti, near Gadag, the largest producing district in the State.


Karnataka has witnessed a 66 per cent deficit in monsoon rains, so far, this year, while the deficiency in North Interior Karnataka is higher at 68 per cent. The pre-monsoon was also in deficit. “It is strange that there were no pre-monsoon rains this year,” he said. Pre-monsoon deficit in Gadag was 39 per cent, while adjoining areas in North Karnataka have also witnessed shortfall.

“Farmers will now have to look forward to take up sowing of other crops like groundnut, chilly or onions, if it rains in the days ahead till mid-July.” he said.

Trade sources said the seeding of greengram beyond the sowing window period would lead to only vegetative growth and loss of yields. Also, the major shortfall in sowing has led to firming trend in prices, which have moved up by about 10 per cent, sources said.

“Farmers are waiting for the arrival of rains to take up seeding of kharif pulses. However, with rains not arriving on time, farmers have missed out on the seeding of greengram in the State,” said Basavaraj Ingin, President, Karnataka Pradesh Red Gram Growers Association in Kalaburgi.