Voicing concern over the widening gap between international and domestic prices of natural rubber, The Association of Planters of Kerala (APK) has described the current trend as alarming given the substantial drop in global rubber production due to adverse weather conditions and outbreaks of fungal diseases, reducing the output by 30-40 per cent in key producing regions.

Despite a significant surge in international prices for natural rubber, domestic prices have failed to keep up. What makes the situation even more distressing for Indian growers is the continued flow of uncontrolled imports of natural rubber, said Prince Thomas George, Chairman, APK.

The domestic consuming industry, instead of supporting local growers during these challenging times, appears to be making concerted efforts to further suppress domestic prices. By relying heavily on imported rubber, the consuming industry has refused to buy from local growers, exacerbating the pricing disparity, he said.

The duty free import from ASEAN countries under FTA as well as the import of compounded rubber from other destinations for evade duties, have a significant impact on domestic prices, he added.

“We call upon the central government to intervene and regulate imports more effectively. The interests of local rubber growers must be safeguarded to ensure the long-term sustainability of the domestic rubber industry. We urge policymakers to introduce mechanisms that encourage the consuming industry to purchase from local growers, ensuring fair pricing that reflects global realities”, APK said.