The Government has set a procurement target for kharif crops at 300.50 lakh tonnes in the marketing season 2014-15 beginning October. In 2013-14, it had set a target of 320.59 lakh tonnes, but the actual kharif procurement was 266.49 lakh tonnes.

This decision was taken in a meeting of State Food Secretaries held on Monday to set the procurement target for the kharif season. “Despite deficit monsoon and delayed sowing, the targets of procurement are comparable to the last season’s target and exceed the actual procurement of last year’s kharif crop,” the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution said.

Monday’s meeting also reviewed arrangements for procurement of paddy and coarse grains. “States have been asked to open adequate purchase centres and deploy sufficient manpower. They have also been advised to make arrangements for publicising MSP (minimum support price), procurement centres through print and broadcast media and through pamphlets in local languages”, the Ministry said.

State Governments have also been asked to give details of storage plans and have been asked to put in place an action plan to meet the deficit in storage requirement.