The average price realisation of orthodox tea at the Kochi tea auctions slid by ₹5 per kg as export orders are declining. In sale 22, the demand was fair with 71 per cent of sales cent out of the 4,07,891 kg on offer.

According to traders, a declining trend in overseas buying is being witnessed across the regions, including Kolkata and Sri Lanka. Higher arrivals of tea due to improved production also contributed to the price drop. Traders said the market is expected to revive by the end of this month with the arrival of the new crop. 

Auctioneers Forbes, Ewart & Figgis said the market for Nilgiri whole leaf and brokens was lower by a longer margin of ₹5-10 and witnessed a lot of withdrawals. However, the decline in price was less for a few select best ones. Traditional exporters to CIS and West Asia were selective and subdued, while exporters to other destination lent fair support. 

Blenders’ support

CTC leaf had also witnessed a lower demand with only 52 per cent of the offered quantity of 40,500 kg sold. The market was lower and witnessed lot of withdrawals. Some export enquiry was noticed at the bottom of the market.

Prices witnessed a drop in dust varieties as well with good liquoring teas in CTC dust barely remaining steady. The quantity offered was up at 8,14,206 kg while the sold quantity was only 74 per cent. Blenders lent only a useful support, while packateers were fairly active. A fair demand was forthcoming from Kerala loose tea traders and upcountry buyers.

Orthodox dust prices were lower with a small quantity absorbed by exporters and upcountry buyers. The quantity offered was 4,000 kg and 100 per cent was sold.