Last week at Sale 21, the total offerings (packages) at the three North Indian tea auction centres at Kolkata, Guwahati and Siliguri were 1,99,836 compared to 1,40,301 in the corresponding sale (No 21) last year, according to J. Thomas & Company Pvt Ltd, the tea auctioneers.

The offerings at Kolkata comprised CTC/dust 66,396 (47,994), orthodox 20,033 (8,939) and Darjeeling 3,867 (3,475).

The figures for two other centres, handling mainly CTC/dust, were Guwahati 89,424 (51,700) and Siliguri 20,116 (28,193).

Good demand for CTC teas. Medium and non-liquoring sorts tended easier.

Orthodox: Good demand. Whole leaf and broken grades sold at fully firm to dearer rates. Fannings were irregular.

Darjeeling teas: Whole leaf grades witnessed useful enquiries. HUL was selective. Brokens sold at firm rates while fannings were dearer.
