Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS) and the State Fisheries Department are working together to develop a suitable fisheries culture for the State and reorient aquaculture strategies accordingly.

To accelerate the attempts, think-tanks of fisheries sector from across the country, including scientists, industrialists and farmers will gather at KUFOS on January 6 and 7 to attend a two-day national seminar on ‘Reorienting the strategies towards sustainable aquaculture and fisheries’, which will draft the reorientation strategies for a better fisheries model.

As many as 300 scientists, industrialists, farmers and fisheries department officials will participate in the strategy reorientation exercise, said K Riji John, Vice Chancellor of KUFOS.

State Fisheries Minister and Pro Chancellor of KUFOS Saji Cheriyan will officially inaugurate the seminar on January 6. Former Fisheries Minister K Babu MLA will preside over the function. R Ramkumar, State Planning Board Member will deliver the key note address.

KUFOS, being the first fisheries and ocean studies university in the country, has the responsibility to play a key role to reorient the Indian aquaculture scenario to newer directions by setting up a better State level model, which can multiply the income of the farming community in a sustainable way, said Riji John said.

The current seminar is organised in this backdrop envisaging an ideal platform for researchers, academicians, farmers and industrialists and policy makers to take forward the concept of sustainability towards channelising their activities to new directions.