To push up stagnating exports of farm products, the Commerce Ministry has initiated an exercise to generate a list of agricultural, horticultural, animal husbandry and marine items with export potential. It will then share the information with relevant Ministries and Departments.

A system of agriculture sector alerts to all stakeholders, including exporters, farmers and government entities, based on global developments, is also being worked at, an official told BusinessLine , adding that steps are also being taken to coordinate with States to implement the Agriculture Export Policy (AEP).

“The share of farm exports in total exports had gone down last fiscal compared to the previous year while the value has remained stagnant. It is not acceptable as the agriculture sector holds a lot of potential and can grow steeply if given the proper thrust. This is exactly what the government is now seeking to do,” the official said.

In 2018-19 agriculture exports were at $ 38.73 billion, was almost the same as the amount exported the previous year. The share of agriculture in total exports declined to 11.76 per cent compared to 12.66 per cent in 2017-18 and 12.07 per cent in 2016-17.

The official pointed out that while India exported a large variety of farm products, there existed a lot of untapped potential which needed to be explored. “Be it floriculture, fruits and vegetables seeds and fresh, processed and dried fruits and vegetables, the scope for growth is immense. Drawing up a list of potential items and potential markets is an attempt to ensure that enough attention is given in the desired direction,” the official said.

Information updates

Dissemination of information on global developments such as commodity price movements, changes in various quality and technical requirements in important markets and the production situation in competing markets could help domestic exporters in gearing up and responding accordingly. “The Commerce Ministry is working on a weekly alert system on global agricultural developments for all stakeholders and it will be put in place soon,” the official said.

The ongoing efforts in the States to prepare a comprehensive State Agriculture Export Action Plan, inclusive of all elements suggested in the AEP, will also be given a push with the Commerce Ministry writing to all the States to expedite it, the official added. The elements include creation of infrastructure for agriculture exports such as sorting, packaging, testing and certification and cold storage.