Mahyco Monsanto Biotech (India) Limited has said that it is very disappointed with the Delhi High Court order that turned down Monsanto India’s patent on Bt cotton technology. It said it will study the order and take a call on appealing against it in the Supreme Court.

“Over the years MMB has conducted its business in adherence with all applicable laws of India and all our patents were granted after due review under these laws. India has been issuing patents on manmade biotech products for more than 15 years as is done widely across the globe,” an MMBL spokesperson said, reacting on the Wednesday judgment.

The landmark judgment ended a prolonged row between the US agri-biotech major and seed companies in India over the issue of the patent over the plant material. The court also said that the seed companies will pay the trait value as ascertained by the Government.

“A proven combination of certainty and predictability in the business environment encourages innovation in agriculture and best serves the interests of India’s farmers. Today’s order will have wide-ranging, negative implications for biotech-based innovation across many sectors within India,” the spokesperson felt.

“This is inconsistent with other international markets where agricultural innovation has flourished. We await a copy of the order and upon review will go for an appeal in the Supreme Court,” he said.