A group of stakeholders in the agriculture sector from Malawi (Africa) are in India to take a tip or two from farm practices in India. They are in here in a USAID programme that is aimed at exposing the Malawian agricultural practitioners and the seed industry there to the practices in vogue here.

“The Malawian seed sector is way behind, with most of the farmers using and reusing the seed varieties. This has led to the steep drop in yields. We have showcased them the practices here followed by farmers. We have taken to them the farms, seed firms, seed storage facilities and research institutes,” Akshat Medakker, Associate Vice-President (Innovation Advisory – Agriculture and Food), told Business Line.

“We are developing online modules for extension and learning. We are creating virtual classrooms for farmers there,” he said.

Sathguru is one of the implementation partners of the USAID’s Agricultural Innovation Partnership (AIP). The other two partners are the US-based Cornell University and LUANAR (agriculture university in Malawi).

“The programme includes telling them about intricacies in certified seed production, seed processing and seed treatment. They will also be equipped with essential skills in the areas of sales, distribution and inventory management,” he said.